As the only animal welfare group in the war-affected northern region of the country, Big Fix Uganda is indeed making a big impact. SPCA International is proud to support their multi-faceted approach to community-based animal welfare. Big Fix Uganda provides community education, veterinary services for animals and a companion animal program for people traumatized by war.
Community Education:
Through a combination of school presentations, community events, radio show participation and community murals, Big Fix Uganda is changing attitudes and behavior toward animals. The concept of dog care and training is new to many families, so education is a key component of improving conditions for animals in this area.
Veterinary Services:
Because war has left this area with few economic resources, community members typically can’t afford veterinary care for their dogs and cats. Through bi-weekly field clinics, Big Fix Uganda is treating an average of 185 animals every two weeks for free. They provide rabies vaccination, de-worming, treatment of wounds/injuries and sterilization services.
Comfort Dog Project:
Big Fix Uganda places rescued and rehabilitated dogs with war trauma survivors as part of a psycho-social rehabilitation program. The guardians make a lifetime commitment to care for their dogs and they attend weekly training sessions. Upon graduation, the dog-guardian teams become project ambassadors – visiting villages and schools to support the educational component of Big Fix Uganda’s strategy.