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Their Work
Founded in 2016, the Clean Futures Fund (CFF) was established to support communities impacted by industrial accidents. Through their humanitarian efforts with the workers at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant, CFF noticed a definite need for medical care amongst the stray dog population.
In 1986 when families were evacuated they were prohibited from taking their pets with them. The surviving animals lived and reproduced within the exclusion zone, there are an estimated 1,000 stray dogs currently living in and around the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant. These dogs have formed a strong bond with the workers at the plant who feed and care for them. However, the dogs are vulnerable to car accidents, machinery accidents, wolves, and wolf traps. Most recently, out of fear for Rabies, the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant has hired a worker to cull the stray dog population. This is where CFF has stepped in and developed the Dogs of Chernobyl program by negotiating a contract to sterilize, vaccinate and provide medical care to the stray dog population over the next 3 years and set up long-term rescue and veterinary care within the exclusion zone. Their efforts will stop senseless killing, humanely decrease the stray dog population, and provide essential medical care to these companions.
SPCA International is incredibly proud to be jumping in on the ground floor by partnering with Clean Futures fund to support their Dogs of Chernobyl program. In August of 2017 our Executive Director, Meredith Ayan, and Program Manager, Lori Kalef, will join the Dogs of Chernobyl team in Ukraine and work hands on with them as they start to improve the lives of the stray dogs at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant.