Dog Hell on Earth

By Lori Kalef, SPCA International Staff Today Romanian dogs are being abused, killed and repeatedly tortured in the most barbaric manner. They are often beaten, cut, poisoned and left for dead in the streets, or placed in small kennels at public pounds to slowly die of thirst and hunger on their own. Romania is now receiving worldwide scrutiny because of this unbelievable brutality toward animals – but the massacres continue. Romania’s stray dog population is a by-product of the communist regime that ruled the country until 1989 under the dictatorship of Nicolae Ceasescu.  During this time, rural workers were moved from the countryside to work in the city as part of a mass urbanization plan.  Those who were bought to urban centers were often forced to release their dogs into the streets for lack of space and money. Sadly, nature took control, the dogs bred and the population grew without restraint. The Romanian government’s only solution has been mass killings and a limited number of terrible public pounds. Due to health concerns in Bucharest, where an estimated 60,000 dogs are roaming the streets, average citizens are taking matters into their own hands and brutally slaying innocent dogs with household tools, such as hammers and axes. In other locations, public pounds act as death traps and where animals are caged without food and water to seemingly die a slow death without hope of adoption. SPCA International is taking on this issue to raise awareness and change the tragic plight of innocent animals. At the end of this month, our team will be traveling to Romania to assess the situation, distribute grants to partner organizations, meet with local government officials, and save lives through spay and neuter and medical treatment. Please follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to learn more and help us stop these massacres.

Sugar Plum & Shadow Arrive from Baghdad

This week Sugar Plum and her mother, Shadow, arrived in the U.S. after a long, complicated and arduous journey from the streets of Baghdad.  These two lucky pups worked their way into a permenent spot in the hearts of two Americans serving at the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad. This is their homecoming…

SugarPlum&ShadowArrive (1).jpegWeary travelers arrive eager to see what America looks like.

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Sugar Plum thinks, “Human-Mom, are you out there?” No, sweetheart, she’ll meet you in Texas in 2 short weeks.

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“Get us out of here already!”

SugarPlum&ShadowArrive (4).jpeg
“Nice to meet you too…”

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“What’s this tall stuff?” wonders Shadow. “It’s fun to pee in.”

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“Freedom feels sooo goooood!”

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“You got me Mom, you got me! LOL.”

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“It’s mine now!” Toys were non-existent on the rough streets of Baghdad.

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A hug from a new friend. Anne Abbot at SPCAI will see Shadow and Sugar Plum on their way to their new forever families tomorrow.

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“Come on Anne. Let’s get some dinner.”

Shadow will reunite with her Baghdad friend, Dennis, in Florida in less than 48 hours. Sugar Plum will see her human mom, Pat, when she returns from Baghdad in two weeks. Two beautiful dogs with beautiful futures ahead, thanks to SPCAI supporters.  (Yes, your heart should feel full of happiness about now.)

Urban Deer Cull Looms over Small Community in Western Canada

By Lori Kalef, SPCAI Staff

In a city known for its majestic scenery and peaceful beauty, recent news headlines in Victoria, BC, Canada have been quite the opposite.  They have been darkened by news of an urban deer cull slated to start later this month.

British Columbia’s Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations Ministry published an urban deer management fact sheet stating that urban deer have become a safety concern to communities due to growing conflicts between people and pets, an increase in deer-automobile accidents and the tendency for deer to attract other wild predators.  The ministry will issue permits and supply 25 collapsible “Clover Traps” to be placed in quiet areas at dusk to all communities opting for culls in hopes of reducing the urban deer population.  The traps, which resemble oversized hockey nets, will be monitored daily but the 25 deer awaiting their imminent fate may have to wait many stressful and panicked hours before the trained contractors arrive to “bolt gun” them in the head.

Local animal rights groups say that BC communities should fully explore non-lethal ways to combat deer overpopulation. Spokesperson Kelly Carson of Deer Safe Victoria says, “It’s not too late to conduct scientific deer counts, track the movements of deer between municipal boundaries, and research non-lethal deer management methods.”

The Ministry has stated that it would not authorize the use of tranquilizers, contraceptive programs, like the emerging SpayVac™ which blocks fertilization when administered intramuscularly, or relocation due to added risks when caught and the deer reacting poorly to new and foreign environments.

Last week, SPCA International was on the scene during a well-attended protest outside the Municipal Hall in Oak Bay, Victoria. Citizens were furious that no other method to control the overpopulation were taken seriously and expressed that killing 25 deer will not produce a significant impact on the over population crisis. Rather, it will create a compensatory rebound effect, inviting surrounding deer to move in to the vacated areas because of enhanced food supply and begin reproducing at a faster rate.

In countries like Romania where mass killing of unwanted stray dogs and cats are receiving worldwide scrutiny due to lack of education, resources and sterilization or contraceptive protocol, it is inexplicable that a province with educated options and adequate funding would see a cull as the only solution.

“If Oak Bay is willing to spend $1,000 a deer to bolt gun them in the head, then they should be willing to do more,” says Kelly Carson.  The deadline to conduct the cull is February 28th, but the decision making is approaching fast.  To support humane options and a sterilization protocol, please send your letter to the Mayor of Oak Bay by using this link at [email protected]

To learn more about SpayVac™, visit

Send an Email Now

Sample Letter

To Oak Bay Municipality:

We, the undersigned urge Oak Bay to abandon your plans to clover trap/bolt gun 25 urban deer in your community. Culling deer does not work due to the recompensentary rebound response in wildlife that are removed in numbers, and is inhumane to the animals and to the residents, including children, who will witness these traps in their neighborhoods.

Oak Bay has the opportunity to set the precedent and lead the province in humane human/urban deer mitigation management for other provinces and states to follow.  Please help your residents to co-exist with the deer in your city by providing fencing, lower speed limits, deer-resistant plants and public education and contraceptive options, all which have worked in other communities.

Oak Bay deer are threatened with a cull despite the fact that overpopulation has not been proven. Please thoroughly research the numbers of your urban deer and their movements between other municipalities.

Your Name

What is a Coronavirus and Can My Pet Get Infected?

By Melissa Brett, Guest Blogger

“What is a coronavirus?” you might be asking yourself. Maybe you’ve heard about it on the news recently, or someone was talking about it on social media. Coronaviruses are organisms that primarily affect the upper respiratory tract and can cause symptoms like a mild fever, runny nose, or cough. Some species of Coronaviruses, like SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) and MERS (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome) have been known to be very pathogenic in humans meaning they can cause very serious illness and even death.

Did you know that animals are also susceptible to Coronaviruses? Household pets such as dogs and cats, but also wild birds, bats and rodents have been known to suffer from Coronavirus infection.

You may remember the 2003 SARS strain that caused panic in Asia and saw human cases imported to Toronto, Canada. It was later thought that the origin of the pathogen was either bats or palm civets from China. Disease experts are still trying to narrow down the origins of MERS and are looking closely at a link to camels and camel milk. Interestingly, most of the viruses that cause illness in humans have their origins in animals – we call these zoonotic diseases. Usually, the host animal (like the camels in the Middle East) will carry a particular pathogen, and it won’t cause any symptoms. Other zoonoses you’re likely familiar with are Ebola in fruit bats, Malaria in mosquitos, Toxoplasmosis in mice, Lyme disease in ticks, Plague in rodents, etc. These are all examples of zoonotic diseases which can be caused by viruses, bacteria, parasites or fungi.

Some Coronaviruses do cause illness in pets though, and it’s always a good idea to keep an eye out for unusual symptoms. Certain strains of the virus can cause similar symptoms that we would see in humans like a runny nose, or cough. In some cases, though, they may cause gastric symptoms such as vomiting or more serious symptoms like neurologic disturbances and liver disorders that are more difficult to treat. The strains that cause more severe illness are rare, and are usually reported in the news if they are found to be circulating locally.

Like humans, our pets need regular check-ups to maintain good health. Also, like humans, our pets may carry organisms in them that never cause them to become ill. Sometimes, like in the case of MERS, these organisms jump species into another animal or human host and cause moderate to severe infection.

The good news is that these diseases are tracked and monitored by organizations like the World Health Organization, Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) and the Centre for Disease Control (CDC). As responsible pet owners, it is our responsibility to do what we can to keep ourselves and our pets healthy with regular medical check-ups and monitoring for symptoms. Usually, a Coronavirus will make you or your dog miserable for a few days, but will go away on its own. Any unusual symptoms that last longer than a few days should be assessed by a veterinary professional.

About the Author: Melissa Brett is a Registered Nurse working in Infection Control in Ottawa, Canada. She is currently doing her Master’s in Global Health and Infectious Disease. A lover of animals – Siamese cats especially – she is a champion for animal and human preventative health.

How to Not Ruin your Christmas Dinner and Other Great Holiday Tricks

So you’re hosting another Christmas Dinner? You’ve taken care of everything on your list, now it’s time to serve up that roast and a plethora of sides and enjoy each other’s company. But wait, what about Fido and Kitty who will be right there in the mix?

Sure pets are family, and they love to celebrate because they’re happy when you’re happy. They would love to partake in the treats and festivities as much as you, but they aren’t the same as you. It’s sometimes tough for us to believe too! But if you want to ensure a safe holiday dinner, then please take a moment to read the following safety tips for a smooth and relaxing celebration, even if your mother-in- law is bringing her surprise casserole.

1) You’ve got the yeast rising for the holiday bread, don’t let the dog give it a taste. You are busy in the kitchen and sometimes Fido gets a little mischievous and tries to get a bite of something that is off-limits. The unbaked bread dough can be very dangerous to a dog.  When ingested, the raw bread dough expands in the warm, moist environment of the stomach and can result in a bloated stomach (called “bloat”); this can then progress to a gastric-dilatation volvulus (GDV), which is a twisted stomach.

2) Don’t cry for me Fido-tina. Onions are bad. Period. Even a small amount of this popular garnish can be toxic to your pet, inducing severe anemia that might go undetected for days.

3) Sugar and spice and everything not so nice. Spices like nutmeg, that is common in the holiday eggnog should be kept away from Fido and Kitty. Nutmeg contains a toxin called myristicin.  The small amount of nutmeg used in recipes is very unlikely to cause serious toxicity, though mild stomach upset could occur if a small amount is ingested.  A pet would need to ingest a very large amount of nutmeg and this is unlikely to occur if a dog or cat ingests food with nutmeg in it.

4) Roast Beef Gravy Verdict: Guilty
Recipes for roast beef gravy often include beef stock which is high in salt, pepper and seasonings; quite delicious for you, not so good for your four legged friend.

5) Pumpkin/Sweet Potatoes. Ordinarily, safe and healthy treats for your pets’ bowels, but during the holidays, these starchy vegetables are laced with sugary and savory condiments that aren’t good for your pet’s digestive tract.

5) Cocktails. Sure it may have the word tail in it, but alcohol in even the smallest amount can be fatal for Fido and Kitty. Be sure to inform your guests to keep an eye on their drinks and safe out of your pet’s way, and maybe Uncle Ed’s too.

6) Dogs, Cats and Chocolate! Humans love chocolate for the holidays, or any other day for that matter. Unfortunately, chocolate in all forms is poisonous to our pets and should be kept away from them entirely. Cats and dogs are both at risk of chocolate poisoning, however, there have been more reported cases of dogs being affected since dogs typically will eat just about anything. Smaller pets face much greater risk of chocolate toxicity than large breed dogs because it only takes a small amount of chocolate to affect them.

7) Pooped! When in doubt that you can have an eye on your dog or cat throughout the whole meal, why not be safe and get him pooped out before your guests arrive. A well-exercised dog will likely be sleepy from activity instead of over-indulging in human food!

By following a few these basic tips, your dog and cat will enjoy a fun, safe Christmas with no unexpected gastrointestinal issues…now if you can only say the same thing after your mother-in-law’s casserole!

Staff Holiday Pet Gift Ideas

hoodie.pngI have actually given this as a Christmas gift before and it was a big hit! It is a red and cream striped hoodie for dogs from American Apparel. It’s perfect for the holidays because it keeps them nice and toasty but it also makes them look like adorable candy canes! – JULIE




barkbox.pngBarkbox is a savior in our house. Especially during these cold winter months when we're spending less time outdoors and the 700 toys Lilah already has are just sooo boring. (Direct quote from her). Our Barkbox arrived just in time this past Monday when it was 23 degrees outside and we had exhausted every option in the toy box. Suddenly, we had 2 brand new squeaky toys and 3 different bags of treats to sample! It's gotten to the point that whenever a package arrives, Lilah comes running to see what's in it for her! – MEREDITH

Here's a code for $5 off your first order  - and when you use this link SPCAI receives a $15 donation! Everybody wins!



My cat Tigger goes crazy for this tassel wand toy. He leaps high into the air to catch it and hides behind furniture to "stalk" it. He even drags it up and down our stairs so we will play it with him. It's great exercise for him! – JANET



Carmine-Radio-Flyer.pngWhen it comes to gifts for my dogs, it's good old fashioned comfort. I always wanted a Radio Flyer growing up as a kid and now I finally got one for my senior guy. Balls and toys come in second to this special treat! – LORI




For a special treat, my two kitties – Charlie and Knowledge – love to chew on these great toys.  They are filled with catnip and fibrous catnip stalks to satisfy their natural desire to crunch and chew.     ANNE

Pet Travel Over the Holidays

The holidays are one of the most hectic seasons for travel, but it is the perfect time to take your pet along with you. Here are some holiday pet travel tips for your pet:

  • Protect Your Pet – Using pet ID tags with your cell phone number are great since there will not be anyone at home to answer the phone if your pet gets lost.
  • Plan Ahead – Book airline reservations early as the airlines limit the number of pets per flight. Check with your specific airline for their policies.  Hotels can limit the number of pet rooms they have available. Don't wait until the last minute. 
  • Blackout Periods – Check with your airline well in advance. Many have blackout periods during the busy holiday season due to overbookings and frigid temperatures.
  • Pet crates or pet carriers are a great way to keep your pet safe when traveling in the car. It’s a good idea to get them used to their crates by introducing it to them in advance. Try putting treats and their favorite toys in them and leave the door open in a safe place so they can go in and out.
  • Bring food and water – If you are traveling by car, be prepared by having a supply of water and their brand of pet food in portable pet water and food bowls.
  • Keep it normal – When traveling, keep your pet on their normal schedule by feeding them and taking them for their walk as close to the regular time as possible.
  • Keep calm – Give your pet an all-natural pet calmer that will make them less anxious or speak to your veterinarian for recommendations, especially if your pet is older.
  • Prepare for the Price of Pet Travel – If you haven’t flown a pet before, you may be paying as much or more for your pet than for yourself.
  • Prevent Puppy’s anxiety attack at 30,000 feet – Toys and blankets from home can help relieve the stress that foreign environments can create for your pet.
  • Driving Cross-Country With Your Pet – Tether your pet in a comfy crate or harness, not by the collar (a choking hazard in the case of a sudden stop), in the backseat only for safety from collisions and airbags.

Shelter Spotlight: Mr. Bones and Co

This New York City based rescue was started in 2012 after founder Elizabeth Frank pulled then emaciated and abused pit-bull, Mr. Bones, from NYC ACC’s death row. Inspired by his resilience, Elli and Mr. Bones (and Mr. Bones’ older fur-sister, Charlotte) decided to pay it forward and save more dogs headed for the same fate that Mr. Bones had narrowly escaped.

Since then, animals near and far have received much needed medical treatment and found their forever homes through their life saving programs. One of their most recent rescues, Jasmine is still looking for her forever home – and we hope to find one for her before the holidays. More information on Jasmine is available here.

SPCA International is proud to support the work of our fellow animal advocates, so that more deserving dogs can be given a second chance at life. More often than not, all it takes is a small group of dedicated people to make a huge difference in the world.

Want to find out more and support Mr. Bones and Co? Join them on December 9th in NYC at the Mason Jar for “A Home for the Holidays” event benefiting Yonkers Animal Shelter.

Wags 4 Hope

By Annie Blumenfeld, Guest Blogger

My family searched for years for a loving and loyal friend and we rejoiced when our search happily ended by finding a two-year-old shaggy dog in a Houston, Texas shelter.  We brought him home to Connecticut months later and called him Teddy.

At his veterinarian check-up in Texas it was discovered that Teddy tested positive for heartworm disease through an antigen test. This blood test detects specific proteins, called antigens, which are released by adult female heartworms into the dog’s bloodstream. Teddy had to be given two injections of arsenic and remain in a crate. He had to be inactive and carefully monitored for a couple of months. The treatment for heartworm disease is very expensive and difficult for dogs to recover from. It can also be potentially toxic to the dog’s body and can cause serious complications, such as life-threatening blood clots to the lungs. Treatment is very expensive because it requires multiple visits to the veterinarian, blood work, and x-rays. It broke my heart to learn that my dog had endured great pain due to his condition.

Heartworm disease is extremely serious and can result in death if untreated. It is caused by a parasitic worm from mosquitoes. These worms are spread through the mosquito bite and produce offspring while living inside the dog. The worms are called “heartworms” because they live in the heart, lungs, and other blood vessels of an infected animal. Heartworm Disease is common in the United States, Canada, Europe and Australia.

Since, heartworm disease treatment is very expensive it is cost efficient to use preventatives. There are many safe FDA approved products that can be used. These preventatives are used monthly and are simple to administer.

Having learned devastating effects of heartworm disease from my loving companion, I decided to undertake a nationwide education campaign about heartworm disease. I founded Wags 4 Hope in an effort to raise awareness and help support shelter animals’ medical needs. I combine my love of painting with my passion for animals. All of the proceeds raised through my paintings are given to animal shelters and rescues.  

Please spread this message about how important heartworm prevention is for your pet and how easy it can be to protect them from this awful condition.  For more information, please visit me at:









 Annie pictured with Barbara Naugle, the Director of the Connecticut Humane Society.

Welcome to New Staff Member Julie Spendal

Hi my name is Julie Spendal and I am the newest member of the SPCA International family! I am so happy and so honored to be apart of this organization and to help all of our animals around the globe. I am originally from Cleveland, OH and am a recent graduate from The State University of New York at Buffalo. After graduation I moved and have been living in New York City ever since. Needless to say I am very used to cold weather!

I grew up dancing and playing sports and getting a little messy every now and then but I have also always loved animals. If you ask anyone who knows me, they will tell you how obsessed I am with animals and they will imitate my voice that I use only for when I’m communicating with animals. Just recently, a little man by the name of Augustus came into my life and he has filled my animal-loving heart with even more love with his naturally ombre ears and his constant demand for belly rubs. I believe he has already become internet-famous on this Facebook and he reminds me of it everyday.

As I said before, I am so very excited about working with SPCA International and I cannot even imagine all of the exciting and amazing things I will be able to experience with some equally exciting and amazing people at my side.  Thanks again for the warm welcome and I hope to make you all proud!