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Vaccinations Save Lives

Though pet vaccination rates are high in North America, that isn’t always the case in other parts of the world where unvaccinated animals can put entire communities at risk. Our resident pet health expert, Emma, has rounded up information on how to keep ourselves, our pets and our communities safe. Together we can make a difference.

Happy, Healthy Pets this Holiday Season

Check out our latest pet safety video for some great tips about keeping Fido and Fluffy safe this holiday season. There are lots of ways our pets can join in holiday cheer but keeping these potentially harmful foods out of their reach will keep celebrations safe and joyous.

World Pet Memorial Day

When you lose a pet, it is important to take care of yourself, allow yourself to grieve, and discover ways to honor your dearly departed loved one. World Pet Memorial Day is a day set aside for just that reason. It is a day to reflect, honor, and celebrate the love shared with pets who have passed. There are many ways to memorialize our pets who are no longer with us, from planting a memorial garden to sharing stories online. I’ve compiled a few of my favorite ways to honor the pets I’ve lost in the video below.

There is no right or wrong way to honor your pet, only what feels right to you. Most importantly, remember to take time on World Pet Memorial Day to feel, the loss of a beloved pet is never easy and the pain we feel in their passing takes time to process and heal. The bond and love we share with our pets mean that they will always be there with us.

For more resources for those experiencing the loss of a beloved furry, feathered, or scaly family member check out our When You Lose a Pet section.

Summer Safety Tips

The seasons are changing! As we gear up for all sorts of summer fun, it is important to keep our pets’ safety in mind. SPCA International’s pet health expert, Emma, has rounded up a few of the most common summer pet safety issues and shares how you can keep pets safe.

Prevent Animal Poisoning

March is National Pet Poison Prevention Month, so resident pet health expert, Emma has rounded up some tips to remind us all how to keep pets safe. From human medications to certain foods, some items are best kept out of our furry friends’ reach.

Holiday Pet Safety Tips

The holiday season is upon us, a time for families and friends to get together to share some cheer and good food. Our furry friends are never hard to find during this time of year, usually sitting right by our feet to catch any delicious treat that might hit the floor. While we may have a second helping of apple pie or sweet potato casserole, our dogs and cats should steer clear of these and other ingredients found in holiday treats.


September is Emergency Preparedness Month, so we have rounded up some tips about how to include Fluffy and Fido in your plan. Too often, pets are lost, hurt or traumatized during emergency situations. Check out this “Ask Emma” video to get the tips you need to be prepared.

When disaster strikes SPCA International mobilizes funding to support grassroots organizations doing everything they can to save animals during a crisis. We provide immediate assistance to dedicated partners who risk everything for the safety and well-being of animals in disaster zones. You can support these ongoing efforts by donating to SPCA International’s Disaster Relief Fund.

For more information on how you and your pet can prepare for an emergency check out our Emergency Preparedness resources.

Beat the Heat – Keep Pets Safe this Summer

Most of us enjoy summer hikes, swims, and other outings with our pets… follow these tips to keep them safe from the heat. 

  • Never leave your pet in a car! — A parked car quickly heats up and can reach temperatures 20 to 30 degrees higher than outside. Exposure to this high heat and low airflow can quickly result in the death of a pet. Please leave your pet at home or run that errand later.  
  • Always provide water – In the summer, your pet will naturally drink more water than usual. Make sure they always have plenty of clean water available, especially when you are out of the house. There are some great collapsible bowls for when you and your pet are on the go.  Hiking anyone?
  • Pets need shade – not a doghouse! If pets must be left outside during the day, hanging a tarp is a quick solution for a yard without tree cover. Unfortunately, a dog house can trap heat and become even hotter than outside.  
  • Avoid Asphalt – Hot asphalt can burn our pet’s feet – Consider walking your pet in the morning or evening to avoid the midday sunbaked asphalt.  
  • Trim haircut – Some dogs can benefit from a summer haircut, but they should never be shaved! Check with your vet to learn if you should trim your pet’s coat or not. Some long hair acts as a natural cooling system and daily brushing is the best advice.

If you detect any signs of heatstroke or heat exhaustion, such as excessive drooling/panting, red or blue gums/tongue, vomiting, lethargy, loss of consciousness, collapse and/or uncoordinated movements or if you suspect your pet is at risk, contact your veterinarian immediately for medical care that may save your pet’s life.

Pets and COVID-19: Your Questions Answered

Q: I’ve heard about dogs and cats testing positive for COVID-19, is my pet at risk?

A: The short answer is that most pets are at low risk. There are only limited cases of pets testing positive for COVID-19 and all of them have experienced mild respiratory symptoms and are expected to make a full recovery.

Q: How should I protect my pet from COVID-19?

A: Try to limit your pet’s interaction with other people and animals. For now, walks and fetch with family members is safer than the dog park and cats should be kept indoors if possible. If you are diagnosed with or suspect you have COVID-19, try to limit contact with your pets. If you must interact, wear a mask to protect them.

Q: Can an infected pet spread COVID-19 to my human family members?

A: There is currently no evidence that household pets are a source of COVID-19 infection in humans and there is no reason to believe that pets can spread the disease to humans. Taking proper social distancing precautions for your human family members and pets is the best way to protect all family members.

Q: I’m worried about the possibility of my pets spreading COVID-19 to my family, should I surrender them.

A: Please don’t surrender or abandon your pets because of COVID-19 fears. Again, there is absolutely no reason to believe that pets can spread COVID-19 to humans. Right now, pets can be an incredible source of comfort and they are best off staying with their human families.

**This content is based on information from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the American Veterinary Medical Association (AMVA).