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Beirut Shelter Nears Completion

You may remember the exciting announcement in late 2019; SPCA International had just made a $100,000 commitment to a Lebanon shelter called Beirut for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (BETA). The funds were earmarked for a new state-of-the-art shelter facility to house and care for the over 800 animals in BETA’s care.

Now, we are excited to announce that the shelter is nearly complete! SPCA International is proud to have designated a large portion of our grant to the “Senior Sanctuary” at the BETA shelter which will house older dogs who will likely live out their days at the shelter. These dogs have already been moved in and are enjoying their new home!

This new shelter was initiated because BETA received an eviction notice from their old property. It has been a long and sometimes difficult process, particularly with the additional challenges of COVID-19, but we are so proud of the result. The new shelter has been designed in accordance with international standards. Modeled after a world-renowned American shelter, the new facility is designed to increase adoption rates, run sustainably and be an example for others in the region to follow.

An SPCA International partner since 2016, BETA has been working to create a cruelty-free city through education and activism for the last 17 years. BETA rescues dogs, cats and wildlife from life-threatening danger. Once in their care, they work tirelessly to place animals in loving homes locally and around the world. The organization also conducts trap, neuter and release programs to reduce the overpopulation of stray dogs and cats in Beirut.