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Bucket’s Biscuits Gives Back

Bucket was found as a pup on the side of the road by a soldier on patrol in Iraq. He brought her to base and started caring for her. He even built a dog run where she could safely play. Bucket got her name from the improvised cone she wore after being spayed in Iraq. A bucket with the bottom cut out kept her from biting her stitches.

The soldier who rescued Bucket couldn’t imagine leaving her behind and reached out to SPCA International for help transporting her to Texas. Rescued in 2015, Bucket is one of hundreds of animals rescued over the years through SPCA International’s Operation Baghdad Pups: Worldwide program.

Now, years later, Bucket is the inspiration and mascot for “Bucket’s Biscuits”. Bucket’s family says she is a bit of a diva and her picky eating habits inspired these small-batch, homemade, wholesome and yummy dog treats. Bucket’s Biscuits are Bucket taste-tested and approved. Even better, 5% of proceeds are being donated to SPCA International!

Bucket’s mom tells us, “she is a dog full of personality who enriches our life in many ways. Bucket’s routine makes each day brighter. I enjoy watching her chase squirrels every morning (not well, I might add), seeing her excitedly greet me every time I return home (even if it’s only been 2 minutes apart), and sitting patiently next to me while I make my dog treats, waiting for one to drop. Life without Bucket is hard to imagine.”

Bucket’s Biscuits can be found at farmer’s markets and special events in the Virginia Beach area, but they are also available for shipping throughout the U.S.. These wholesome treats are made with whole-wheat flour, organic peanut butter, pure pumpkin, chicken broth, cinnamon, turmeric, and bacon grease.

Bucket’s family is committed to spreading the word about SPCA International because they hope to help rescue other animals for other soldiers who fall in love with a stray pup they can’t turn away from.

A huge thank you to Bucket and her family for paying it forward to other soldiers and rescued animals by supporting SPCA International.

Get your paws on Bucket’s Biscuits today!