Radley, the dog of a domestic violence survivor, needs your help. Will you be her hero? Donate Today!

Funding Rushed to Pakistan Flood Victims

Thanks to a generous outpouring of support from the SPCA International community, Spikey and the other animals in the care of LAPS (Lucky Animal Protection Shelter) are safe!

It hasn’t been easy for them. Since the initial evacuation, which left dogs stranded on the roofs of their kennels during a long and scary night, the animals have been moved three times to safer locations. All along, your support provided food, veterinary care and attention for these pups. 

As they wait for the water to recede from the shelter, our partners at LAPS are exhaustedly continuing their work. Every person has been working overtime to care for the animals, even as many of their own homes are underwater. 

Despite all the trauma of the situation, we are excited to share that Spikey is available for adoption. Please contact LAPS directly if you have space in your heart and home for this sweet boy with special needs. 

The animals’ needs are being met now thanks to your support. In the coming weeks, LAPS will face yet another challenge as they begin to rebuild their shelter and make it safe and welcoming for the animals once again. Several walls caved in, and with standing water in the shelter, the full damage has yet to be seen. Please consider an additional disaster relief donation.