Radley, the dog of a domestic violence survivor, needs your help. Will you be her hero? Donate Today!

Keeping Military Families Together

When Sergeant Foster’s wife, Dana, called him eight years ago to ask if she could bring home a dog that another U.S. Air Force family had to leave behind, he said no. He was newly stationed in Guam and the family was still getting settled, but Dana brought Boomer the dog home anyway. To this he says, “Well you know, that’s what being married is like.”

Now, eight years later, Sergeant Foster says Boomer is part of the family. He has been through military assignments in Guam, England, and now North Dakota. Sergeant Foster tells us, “Who knew this free rescue dog would be worth over $5,000 from moving around the world? We love him so much and he brings us such joy that it's worth the extra stress and planning. He's our forever pet.” SPCA International was honored to help keep this family together through their most recent military reassignment in March from the United Kingdom to North Dakota.    

Even though the U.S. Air Force moves military families and their possessions (except the family pets), reestablishing in a new place is surprisingly expensive. The Fosters had to buy all new appliances to fit U.S. outlets, as well as a new car built for driving on the right-hand side of the road! By providing for Boomer’s travel expenses, SPCA International was able to make this military family’s move just a little easier with the help of an Operation Military Pets grant. This family received a $500 grant to cover a portion of the cost to move Boomer to North Dakota. Without financial aid from Operation Military Pets many families (like Boomer’s family before the Foster’s) would be forced to leave their pet behind. 

Sergeant Foster says there aren’t many organizations that support military members directly like Operation Military Pets does, so he will definitely tell others and support SPCA International in the future. Here at SPCA International, we would like to thank Sergeant Foster and his family for their service. 

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Boomer enjoying the snow in North Dakota! It snowed 15 inches, just days after the Foster family arrived.



Boomer is loving North Dakota Summers too!