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Partner Spotlight: Hope for Venezuela’s Abandoned Pets

SPCA International is proud to support Canine Support Network (Red de Apoyo Canino) in Venezuela. The deteriorating economic situation means dogs are at greater risk than ever before, but Canine Support Network is coordinating with shelters and community members throughout the country to foster and rehome animals whose families can no longer care for them.  They also provide regular spay and neuter events to help curb the ever-expanding stray population. 

As hyperinflation continues in Venezuela, dogs that were once cared for as family pets are now wandering the streets because working-class families simply can’t afford to feed a dog as they struggle to feed themselves. Additionally, thousands of Venezuelans are fleeing the country each day, often leaving behind dogs and cats. Those still caring for their pets are struggling and sacrificing to do so.

Faced with this difficult reality, Canine Support Network continues to hold spay and neuter campaigns nearly every weekend because they know that pet owners simply can’t afford to pay the surgical costs of sterilization and that this is the best way to keep the stray population from multiplying.

2019 marks SPCA International’s third year of partnership with Canine Support Network, including annual grants to help them continue and expand their operations during this difficult time