The dog meat trade is one of the most terrible animal welfare issues we focus on here at SPCA International, but it is immensely important.
Despite public outcry in China, a select number of people continue the barbaric practice of slaughtering and eating dogs. That’s why SPCA International remains committed to supporting partner organizations on the ground in China.
We are proud to share that since the beginning of the year, our partners at Bo Ai Animal Protection Centre have rescued over 90 dogs from the meat trade by focusing on legal pressure and community awareness. Once dogs are rescued, they work to provide veterinary care and ensure the pups learn to trust humans again. Then, they find safe and loving homes for the pups in China and abroad.

Despite the year-round work, each June brings a particularly horrific event – the Yulin Dog Meat Festival. Our partners at Plush Bear’s Shelter are at the festival to save as many dogs as possible. They can’t save every single animal, but they certainly make a difference. They alert the police when traffickers and butchers engage in illegal activities, and they even buy dogs from butchers to save their lives.
Unfortunately, the pups are kept in terrible conditions that cause immense trauma and illness. Nevertheless, our partners in China are steadfast in their dedication to this life-saving work.
Even though photos and videos of the Yulin event are banned, our partners have been able to capture some images to share with us so we know what is happening. Please be advised that these images below are disturbing.
Photos provided by Plush Bears Shelter
Help end this practice. DONATE NOW to support organizations in countries where dog and cat meat is still consumed.