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Shelter Spotlight: Red de Apoyo Canino

by Emma Koeniger, SPCAI staff

As the humanitarian crisis continues in Venezuela, a study done by the Simon Bolivar University found that roughly 87% of Venezuelans are unable to purchase food for themselves and their families. Not only are the people of Venezuela going hungry but their pets too.  In 2015, the inflation level in Venezuela rose to 275% and even increased to 800% in late 2016/early 2017. This inflation has crippled NGOs in Venezuela, as they solely rely on support from individuals to fund their programs and day-to-day needs.

Red de Apoyo Canino is an animal shelter located in Caracas, Venezuela. Founded in 2007, the staff and volunteers work tirelessly to improve the lives of abandoned and abused animals of Venezuela, and also the lives of animals belonging to low-income families. Red de Apoyo Canino provides free veterinary care, low-cost and free spay and neuter services, humane education, as well as rehabilitation and adoption for the 270+ animals in their care.

Red de Apoyo Canino did not close their doors in 2015 when the inflation level rose to the highest level in the Western Hemisphere. They could not give up on the animals and people of Venezuela who so desperately needed them.  With severely limited resources this amazing group of animal advocates persevered, helping hundreds of animals in 2016.

Today, SPCA International is incredibly proud to support Red de Apoyo Canino and their unwavering dedication to the animals and people of Venezuela. Through the help of an SPCAI Shelter Support Fund grant, Red de Apoyo Canino will be able to fund a vaccination drive in their community.