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Sugar Plum & Shadow Arrive from Baghdad

This week Sugar Plum and her mother, Shadow, arrived in the U.S. after a long, complicated and arduous journey from the streets of Baghdad.  These two lucky pups worked their way into a permenent spot in the hearts of two Americans serving at the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad. This is their homecoming…

SugarPlum&ShadowArrive (1).jpegWeary travelers arrive eager to see what America looks like.

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Sugar Plum thinks, “Human-Mom, are you out there?” No, sweetheart, she’ll meet you in Texas in 2 short weeks.

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“Get us out of here already!”

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“Nice to meet you too…”

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“What’s this tall stuff?” wonders Shadow. “It’s fun to pee in.”

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“Freedom feels sooo goooood!”

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“You got me Mom, you got me! LOL.”

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“It’s mine now!” Toys were non-existent on the rough streets of Baghdad.

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A hug from a new friend. Anne Abbot at SPCAI will see Shadow and Sugar Plum on their way to their new forever families tomorrow.

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“Come on Anne. Let’s get some dinner.”

Shadow will reunite with her Baghdad friend, Dennis, in Florida in less than 48 hours. Sugar Plum will see her human mom, Pat, when she returns from Baghdad in two weeks. Two beautiful dogs with beautiful futures ahead, thanks to SPCAI supporters.  (Yes, your heart should feel full of happiness about now.)