Feature Stories

  • Hundreds of leashes and collars delivered to the dogs of Tanzania!

    March 4, 2016
    Thanks to your support we were able to deliver a sizable grant to TAWESO in order to purchase much needed leashes and collars that are now being handed out during clinics in the rural areas of Tanzania.
  • Brew is Cruisin’ Home

    March 4, 2016
    Brew was shot and the bullet still lodged in her chest. Additionally, due to being purposefully hit by a car while living on the streets, Brew’s front right paw had to be amputated. Thankfully this girl is a survivor and being less one limb doesn’t seem to bother this little firecracker at all! She has …
  • A Safe Haven for Farm Animals: R.A.S.T.A.

    February 16, 2016
    Lucie Cerny founded the Rescue and Sanctuary for Threatened Animals (RASTA) in 2001. Located on the east coast of Vancouver Island in British Columbia, R.A.S.T.A. provides a no-kill and cage-free permanent home to farm animals, as well as dogs and cats. Offering an interactive experience to the visiting public, Lucie and the RASTA volunteers aim …
  • Mission ‘Tails’: Brew & Dushka Updates + 21 Other Rescues Underway

    January 22, 2016
    Happy 2016! This year has already proved busy for our Operation Baghdad Pups: Worldwide team. While many of us were busy with holiday activities, our OBP: Worldwide team was coordinating last minute rescues at the end of December in Iraq. Shortly thereafter, our New Year got off with a bang when we received an unexpected …
  • Video: Tyapa Walking on Two Legs and Rehabilitation Update

    January 19, 2016
    Many of you will remember this remarkable dog, Tyapa and her story of abuse and rescue from our emails in December. Tyapa had her two left paws brutally chopped off for no reason other than that she happened to wander onto an unfriendly farmer’s property. In an act of unthinkable evil, the property owner caught …
  • Do You See That Doggie in the Shelter?

    January 19, 2016
    For the last 50 years children all over the world have sung, “How Much is That Doggie in the Window”. This song, while catchy, is about a puppy in a pet-store and encourages a culture of puppy-mills and backyard breeders, which all too often includes terrible animal abuse and neglect. SPCA Singapore partnered with SPCA …
  • Mission ‘Tails”: November OBP: Worldwide Rescue Update

    November 24, 2015
    Our Operation Baghdad Pups: Worldwide program has really gone worldwide this year! In the past few weeks, we were able to rescue 7 dogs and cats befriended by our service men and women stationed overseas in Eastern Europe and Iraq.
  • Sharing the Holidays with Your Pets

    November 24, 2015
    The holiday season is upon us, a time for families and friends to get together to share some cheer and good food. Our furry friends are never hard to find during this time of year, usually sitting right by our feet to catch any delicious treat that might hit the floor.
  • Cue the Balloons and Confetti: 500th Military Pet Grant Awarded!

    November 24, 2015
    Every week SPCA International receives requests for help from U.S. military families who have nowhere else to turn. These desperate families have received Permanent Change of Station (PCS) orders requiring them to move from their current military station to another – sometimes halfway around the world.
  • Holiday Gift Ideas from SPCA International Staff

    November 24, 2015
    In our household we are lucky to celebrate both Hanukkah and Christmas. Our Shiba Inu, Kuma, received this talking Gefilte Fish last year for Hanukkah and he loves it, we love that it shouts “Oy Vey!” when squeezed.