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SPCA International Says Emergency Animal Relief Effort is Making a Difference in Hardest Hit Areas in Thailand Disaster

SPCA International's work with local partner, Soi Dog Foundation, is making a real difference according to rescue workers on the ground.  Thus far, the SPCA International relief efforts are providing: thousands of dollars in medical supplies, repairs to critical fencing at shelters damaged by the floods, spay and neuter efforts to prevent more unnecessary suffering, and continued support for Soi Dog Foundation's vital rescue work.  Additionally, SPCA International is pulling together local partners to work on improving living conditions at what is known as the “Dog Condo”.


"We at SPCA International know this is just the beginning of long and hard work helping these countless innocent animals still impacted by the aftermath of the historic flooding in Thailand," said Stephanie Scott of SPCA International. "We are grateful to our Emergency Animal Rescue team that traveled to Thailand and we are asking our supporters to continue helping as we work to reduce suffering in Thailand.”

SPCA International dispatched emergency staff to Thailand in February to asses and respond to the crisis animals are now facing post-flood.  Countless animals were killed by the floods, while thousands of others were rescued by animal organizations and good Samaritans.  Now their plight continues as shelters work to rebuild. However, some cannot to due to lack of funding or will.

SPCA International specializes in assisting animals in areas of conflict and disaster. During times of natural disaster, political turmoil, war and man-made disaster, SPCA International is ready to take action for the protection of animals.  Along with partner organizations around the world, they focus on helping in crisis situations where animals are at risk or in danger.  Video and news about SPCA International’s work is available on the group’s Web site, www.spcai.org.