6 Dogs Are In Need of Rescue. Will You Save One Today? Donate Now.

A Look Back at 2020

2020 was such an unprecedented year. Just 12 months ago, none of us could have imagined the loss and uncertainty ahead. Amazingly, the SPCA International community never faltered.

Thanks to your commitment to animals, we were able to fill hungry bellies, tend to sick and hurting animals and save lives. To each and every person who took the time to share a post, make a donation and support SPCA International’s work this year, we thank you.

Executive Director, Meredith Ayan, sums up the incredible work YOU made possible in this video. So, wherever you are, pat yourself on the back for making 2020 brighter for the suffering animals of the world. We’re looking forward to all we can accomplish together in 2021and we hope you’ll join us on the journey!