Their Work
Christian Veterinary Mission (CVM) was working in Haiti long before the January 12, 2010 earthquake. Prior to the massive earthquake Dr. Kelly Crowdis was working on a livestock development program called Give a Kid a Kid (previously honored in September 2009 with a Shelter of the Week grant). In the immediate aftermath of the earthquake, Crowdis – along with Drs. Keith and Flanagan, also with CVM, who have been working in Haiti for over 20 years – used their medical training to provide emergency care to human patients.
As soon as that acute phase of emergency response is past, Drs. Crowdis, Keith and Flanagan immediately focused on special earthquake response projects for animals, such as rabies vaccination campaigns, and restarted the long-term livestock development projects that were interrupted by the disaster. Now, other CVM vets have joined Drs. Crowdis, Keith, and Flanagan in the country to provide much-needed support.
SPCA International is proud to honor all the CVM doctors for their dedication to the people and animals of Haiti, both before and since the tragedy of the earthquake focused the world’s attention on the struggling nation.
Additional Info and Website
You can donate to this organization by sending a check made out to Christian Veterinary Mission to:
Dr. Kit Flowers
Christian Veterinary Mission
19303 Fremont Ave N
Seattle, WA 98133