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Schneegas Wildlife Foundation

Silt, Colorado
Their Work

The Pauline S. Schneegas Wildlife Foundation (SWF) has been rescuing and rehabilitating wildlife for 25 years. Located in Garfield County, CO this foundation has professionally rehabilitated and released an estimated 5,000 animals.

Thanks to an on-site veterinary facility, SWF can provide care to incoming wildlife immediately. SWF serves injured and orphaned wildlife of all species, including threatened and endangered species. After any emergency veterinary care is completed, SWF provides the appropriate nutrition to each animal and assists them in their effort to re-learn all the skills necessary to be released back into the wild.

Some wildlife taken in by SWF are unable to be released in the wild because they were bred into captivity and do not have enough of the natural instincts to make it on their own. These animals find permanent sanctuary at SWF and live as ambassadors for all wrongly adopted “pet” wildlife. These resident animals are introduced to children and adults who participate in educational programs with the specific purpose of increasing knowledge, raising awareness and developing an appreciation of wildlife and habitat protection. Currently, SWF has two mountain lions, three bobcats, two foxes, two wolves and several raptors in permanent residence.

SWF teaches conservation and wildlife programs to groups of all ages. Over the years it has hosted and educated hundreds of children and adults. The Foundation hopes that all the people they educate leave with a greater understanding and appreciation of wild creatures. SWF always strives to teach that only through community responsibility and deep respect will we be able to protect habitat and wildlife for generations to come.

SPCA International is proud to honor the Schneegas Wildlife Foundation as Shelter of the Week. Thanks to its hard work and dedication, SWF staff and volunteers are not only saving the wildlife that comes to them for shelter, but also cultivating humane and compassionate communities through its education programs. To learn more about Schneegas Wildlife Foundation, please visit www.schneegaswildlifefoundation.org.

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