Type of Organization
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Their Work
Udruga Pobjede, which means Victory Association, was founded in 2009 with a mission to contribute to the dignified existence of all living beings, according to their needs and nature.
The Victory Association strives to protect stray animals and manages an animal shelter in Nemetin, where they rehomed over 300 dogs in 2019. They stress the importance of humane education for the protection and rights of all animals, and actively encourage compassion towards animals and also promote a vegan lifestyle. The Victory Association also actively organizes within their community, cooperating with local and state organizations as well as institutions with similar goals to further their message.
In 2018, the Victory Association pushes the boundaries of their advocacy through their Ab Ovo campaign, which is the first corporate animal campaign in Croatia. The main goal of the Ab Ovo campaign is to bring the global cage-free trend to Croatia and ask companies to make public cage-free egg commitments. Through cooperation with the global coalition Open Wing Alliance, they have obtained more than 1,000 cage-free statements from brands such as Starbucks, Nestle, McDonald’s, Mars, Marriott International, and many more.
SPCA International is proud to support Udruga Pobjede as they further their mission and advocacy efforts on behalf of animals in Croatia.