**U.S. Residents only**
Call your Senator and let them know you support the Big Cat Public Safety Act! (Confirm who your U.S. Senators are here.) Only 18 out of 100 U.S. Senators have cosponsored the bill. You can check whether either of your U.S. Senators is already a cosponsor here.
You can simply say:
“Hello, my name is [your name] and I’m a constituent from [your city]. I’m calling to ask Senator to put an end to harmful public contact with tigers, lions or other exotic cats and cosponsor the Big Cat Public Safety Act, S.2561. Thank you.”
Call your House Representative and let them know you support the Big Cat Public Safety Act! (Confirm who your U.S. Representative is here.) You can check whether your House Representative is already a cosponsor here.
You can simply say:
“Hello, my name is [your name] and I’m a constituent from [your city]. I’m calling to ask Representative to put an end to harmful public contact with tigers, lions or other exotic cats and cosponsor the Big Cat Public Safety Act, H.R. 1380. Thank you.”
You can also send a polite letter to your Congressman in support of the bill to protect big cats.
For your convenience, you can personalize and use the following message:
Dear [elected official]:
I am writing to urge you to support and cosponsor the Big Cat Public Safety Act, H.R. 1380/S.2561, to protect both people and big cats.
Captive, privately owned big cats such as lions or tigers are frequently subject to mistreatment and inhumane living conditions. In roadside zoos, where cubs may be used for photo ops, these newborns are dragged from their mothers and physically abused to discourage their natural behaviors. When they are too big to pet, only a few months later, they face a future of further abuse and substandard care.
Improperly kept exotic big cats are also a danger to the public and first responders. There have been hundreds of incidents involving big cats in the U.S. that have caused human injuries, mauling, and deaths. The Big Cat Public Safety Act presents a common-sense solution to this issue by prohibiting private ownership of lions, tigers, cougars or other such big cats. It also prevents direct contact between the public and big cats. Help us protect our communities and animals by cosponsoring H.R. 1380/S.2561.
[Your name]