Over the last 20 years the United States, through its Explosive Detection Canine Program, has sent specially trained dogs to foreign partner nations. These dogs help the partner countries sniff out bombs and other potential explosives.
Recently, in response to a hotline complaint, the Office of Inspector General sent a team to do an evaluation of the kennel conditions of Explosive Detection Canines provided to Jordan. The Office of the Inspector General found there was an overall lack of policies and standards governing the program. The report states that the program “routinely provides dogs to foreign partners without signed written agreements that outline standards for minimum care, retirement, and use of the canines, and the Department conducts health and welfare follow-ups infrequently and inconsistently.”

What they found was a horrifying combination of neglect, overwork and lack of basic veterinary care. Dogs that were carefully trained to save lives are now living in squalid conditions. Their kennels are covered in feces, their water bowls are often dry, and they aren’t being fed regularly. All of that, and they are still expected to work long days under the hot sun; sniffing for bombs.
The United States has temporarily stopped sending these dogs to Jordan and Egypt for the time being. But unfortunately, U.S. trained dogs continue to be sent to and used by unchecked foreign partner nations.
We must urge the U.S. Government to discontinue the practice until the standards of care can be met and monitored. While they are addressing the treatment of dogs in Jordan, they are not implementing this practice across all countries the U.S. has K-9 partnerships with.
The report estimates 100 active military dogs have been provided to 6 partner nations; in addition, approximately another 70 dogs remain active in 7 nations.
Tell the United States State Department to STOP sending dogs to partner nations until policies are in place to ensure the well-being of these military dogs.

You can download the full report here: http://stateoig.gov/system/files/esp-19-06.pdf
**Source: These photos were released in the unclassified Inspector General Report.