6 Dogs Are In Need of Rescue. Will You Save One Today? Donate Now.

Why Should You?

You can stop abuse and suffering! Why spay and neuter is so important.


Spaying or neutering your dog and cat is an important part of responsible pet ownership. In the United States alone, approximately 7 dogs or cats are born for every one human. As a result, there are just not enough homes and people for the over population of animals. Sadly, between four to five million dogs and cats are euthanized every year in shelters in North America.

Those who irresponsibly-allow their pets to breed are contributing to the crisis that we face. It is estimated that allowing a female dog to have 2 litters in her lifetime will create over 300,000 additional animals within 5 years. Statistics say that more than half of those will be destroyed, and those that are not will likely be victims of cruelty and abuse. Even if the owner has a home for puppies or kittens, they are decreasing the chance for a shelter animal to be adopted.

Sterilizing companion animals is currently the most effective method in controlling the pet population. We encourage you to be part of the solution. Please consider adopting a shelter animal instead of breeding and increase our universal hope to one day controlling the pet population.


Aside from the many ethical reasons to spay or neuter, there are also quite a few medical findings to suggest that it is healthier for our animals as well.


  • The number one cause of death in unspayed females is cancer of the ovaries and/or uterus; therefore, by spaying the occurrence of these diseases is vastly decreased.
  • Spaying your female also prevents pyometria, an inflammatory process of the uterus that, if not treated in time will likely lead to death. 
    Other health benefits are less frequency of mammary tumors and less evidence of psudocyesis, a false pregnancy due to common hormonal disturbances.
  • Biologically speaking, unspayed females attract unwanted attention; so from a behavioral standpoint, spaying is the trouble free solution.


  • Neutering a male animal will avoid a long list of potential medical illnesses: testicular tumors, perianal hernias, and tumors of the hepatoide glands, perianal gland tumors, prostate tumors and cysts, to name a few.
  • Neutering will also reduce aggressiveness towards other males, especially when fighting for females.
  • Common rituals such as territorial marking with urine or possessive dominant behavior tend to lessen post-surgery as well.
  • And neutered males are less likely to run away if they were to smell a female in heat.