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Poem: Losing Maggie

She never asked for much
Maybe a kind heart and an occasional touch
She didn’t lick or jump the way others do
She knew the love for her just grew
She didn’t care about cookies or about food
She only cared if I was in a good mood
She always was just steps away
But never out of sight or gone astray
She didn’t retrieve or carry things in her jaw
Instead she moved things around with her left paw
She had enourmous feet and shaggy gold fur
People would stop at just the mere site of her
A dog so unique like almost a bear
Eyes would look upon her to stop and stare
But with a job to fulfill for only one
She would just look at me for an answer and then be done
She was soft and gentle from the outside in
A trust in nature that bared only a grin,
To little hands and big eyes that would catch her coat
Or strangers that stopped by just even to dote
Still –

She breathed in for me and I breathed out for her
And together we always were.
Often covered in gold fur.
By my side through joys and tears
Through pain and sadness and all my fears
Through moves and trips and another furry friend
Her allegiance to my being would not even bend
In the middle of the night when I’d wake from my sleep
A watchful eye on me, she would always keep

It all seemed to happen at once
My hero and protector’s years turned to months
There never was a question for what I must do
And give you everything you needed my sweet Shaboo
You outlived your illness but symptoms grew stronger

I told you I’d give you the world if you’d just stay longer
You began to slow down but never in spirit
Your bones ached and breath laboured but you just tried to bear it
Walks for you became something of a chore
You would be happier just with an open back door
You stood no longer to eat your meal
I tried to change it every day to make it less of an ordeal
That your appetite was merely to please
Your interest to eat was for me to appease
Stoic and proud you were always for me
Even though it hurt you wanted me to be
Content and safe and never alone
You would give your life for me, without so much as a moan
I asked you for a sign when you have had enough
I couldn’t bear the thought of my best friend feeling so rough
And you were tough-

But the day arrived that I dreaded ever so much
When I knew I would have to give up that left paw touch
Your heart was fighting for each inhale
Your gums were growing more and more pale
And still.

You were never afraid
Except that I would feel betrayed
My hero, my best friend, my extension of my soul
Let go now, my heart will forever have a hole
And even though we may not still be together the way we used to be
We will ALWAYS be connected by a cord no eye can see